Gary Parkes - Part 1 - How to get booked to sing on cruise ships

If you're a new act the chances are you can't even get an agent to take your calls. Getting noticed is hard work. Imagine then, if you could sit down and talk to a top booking agent for 40 minutes and ask them everything you want to know about how to find work and develop a career on cruise lines. Well, that's exactly what I did, and this four part Podcast is the result.  In part 1, booking agent, Gary Parkes, explains how the cruise lines go about booking acts. I'd always wondered if the lines  asked for a particular act or waited for the agent's suggestions so it was good to hear this from the horses mouth as it were.

Gary gets over 300 emails a week from people looking for work. Obviously you'll need to have something special to stand out from the crowd. He explains the most effective way anyone who wants work should present themselves to him and what should be in the Electronic Press Kit (EPK).


Tom Derycke - How to talk to a lighting engineer - Part 2


Gary Parkes - Part 2 - Getting noticed by an agent for cruise ships