Chris Peters – Sound Engineer - Part 1 - Using the right microphone

Chris has been touring as a professional sound engineer for 23 years. He's worked with many of the biggest names in the business including Burt Bacharach, Alicia Keys, Kylie Minogue, Simply Red and Tony Bennett. It's always interesting to ask engineers the sort of things you sometimes wonder about, but never really have a chance to ask. I mean, we want to present ourselves as professionals who know what we're doing, so a soundcheck isn't the time to ask things like, “What is compression?”, “Can you explain good vocal technique?” and “How should I word a technical rider for corporate events?”

In part 1, Chris discusses what attracted him to cruise ships and the importance of using a technical rider for work on land. He explains why it's so important to choose the right microphone and of course to use it properly with good vocal technique. Chris also explains how to help the engineer during your soundcheck and the importance of consistency.


Maria King - Pianist - Part 4 - female entertainers on cruise ships


Chris Peters - Sound Engineer - Part 2 - How to make your sound engineer happy